BST-Tools aims to provide a bootstrapping environment, that supports cross-compile, for the next generation of BuildStream projects. It is capable of building software for a(n as yet) small, but growing variety of platforms. By adding BST-Tools to your project, you can simplify the process of building your software for all of the platforms supported by BST-Tools.
Projects leveraging BST-Tools are capable of producing Standalone Applications for typical Desktop Computers to entire Operating Systems for Embedded Devices.
BST-Tools In Action
Here are links to a couple of demo projects using BST-Tools.
Simple AppImage
This demos how to build a simple application (stm8flash) for Linux, and package it as an AppImage.
stm8flash was chosen for its minimal dependencies, and because few distros package it officially.
Buildstream AppImage
This demos how to build a complicated project with BST-Tools, and package it into an AppImage: BuildStream its self.
This shows;
- how you can target an older LibC with an up-to-date toolchain,
- demonstrates making all the binaries produced relocatable (something important for AppImages) by configuring it globally for the whole project at buildtime,
- demonstrates cross-compiled python,
- and provides a means for using BST-Tools without having to install BuildStream first, by providing pre-built AppImages.
Embedded Firmware
This is a simple Linux userland and kernel using busybox. The output of which can be tested using QEMU.
GNU/Linux Userland
BST-Tools/Linux From Scratch 10
A Full GNU/Linux userland based on Linux From Scratch, with the added bonus that the end result can be cross compiled. I'm using this repository as a test bed to add new features to the toolchain.